19.08.2014 - 19.08.2014
SUSTAIN-EU-ASEAN cluster meting: organic and non-organic resourches & climate actions and cities
SUSTAIN-EU-ASEAN organises the first bi-regional cluster meeting during which projects from both Southeast Asia and Europe can meet in person! This cluster meeting will take place in Bogor, Indonesia on 19 Aug 2014, in parallel with the ASEAN Science and Technology Week (ASTW). The two tematic clusters are:
- Climate Action and Cities: this cluster brings together a number of projects dealing with the effects of climate change on urban space (also referring to issues like water management, etc.)
- Organic and Non-Organic Resources: this cluster contains projects that deal with a range of resources and materials problems crucial for economic and social well-being in Southeast Asia
Purpose of the meeting/Goals:
- Meet and get to know fellow projects working on similar topics of relevance to ASEAN
- Discuss results and synergies, exchange on methodologies, plan for joint events, applications, publications, etc. or simply see what's going on in the other region in this topic.
- Plan concrete next joint steps with projects in the cluster.
- Benefit from SUSTAIN EU-ASEAN support (e.g. in your dissemination, exploitation and development activities) and inputs (on the funding environment)
- Share your views on thematic gaps in current research - SUSTAIN is mandated to carry the message to the European Commission
Find more information in the attached brochure.
Contact information:
Kain Glensor